Switching The Game Up With Jamie Eason Live Fit

So I interrupt this week’s Friday Fitness Check In to make fill you guys in on a new fitness program that I have started.

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I first heard about the Jamie Eason program from my beautiful Fitbloggin tribe of ladies. (I swear I am always the last to know!) They told me about the Jamie Eason program and I was immediately turned off because they told me that I would not be allowed to do cardio for a month. Say what now?!

Change of Heart

Lately I have been so bored with my routine. While I love the classes that I take–I’ve been itching to do something different.  I think that actually might have contributed to my blah week last week.

So on a whim I researched this program. Jamie Eason gives you  detailed set of exercises to do every single day and they are no joke! I have been trying to add some variation to my strength training over the past few weeks by randomly adding new exercises–this is amazingly perfect because it gives me the exact structure that I need, day by day–instead of running from random machine to random machine.

This is so much more different than the HIIT training that had to get cut short because of injury. Since the first month is pure strength training I don’t really have to worry about the impact that my knee was taking with the running.


Jamie Eason Program with a twist

Since the program calls for no cardio during the first month, I will have to do things differently because I am teaching Zumba every Saturday. (I also just discovered a NEW spin class near my job that I am seriously obsessed with…so I will be attending :)) so my first month won’t be cardio free per say but I will be following the plan to a tee otherwise!

My Goals

The program is for 3 months. First I would like to complete it (!) Second I would LOVE to lean out on this program. Since I am taking a vacation from the scale I won’t measure weight.  I have taken a before picture and I really hope to make some significant changes in the next 3 months.

Here is my before picture…


(Sidenote: I am actually okay with my before pic, my fitness journey has been long but I am so happy to be where I am today)

The first day

Yesterday morning I started the program and it was pretty intense. My triceps and chest were aching all day. I started out on my toes doing pushups but by the time I got to the narrow pushups I could barely knock them out, but I did (on my knees!).

I am totally looking forward to completing the program, and even though the end of the program calls for sprints, I will see if my knee can handle it by then. Also, there is only 3 months until Blogalicious in Atlanta so it is perfect timing for a new challenge.

Not doing cardio is a breakthrough for me because I am so conditioned to believe that I need to have cardio all the time–these next three months are dedicated to my muscles! It’s also the perfect middle of the year fitness shakeup!

Check out more about how the program went for me!

Here are some more fun strength training workouts to check out before you go:

What do you think of Jamie Eason’s Program? Do you have a heavy strength training routine, or are you a cardio bunny?

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  1. I love your caption under your “before” picture because I was thinking…MAN I’D TOTALLY TAKE NELLIE’S BEFORE PICTURE AS MY ULTIMATE AFTER PICTURE!! You’ve worked hard for it and you look great! Hope you love this 3 month program. (although I cannot imagine how you can look more fit in your after photo!!) –Lisa

  2. I’ll be curious to hear what you think. A month without cardio…I can’t even imagine!! You do look great in your before picture, by the way!

  3. You look great but I’m like you – love to mix things up! I can’t wait to hear more about what you think of the Jamie’s program!! I might like to try it but I don’t see me giving up cardio for a month, maybe I could scale back on some of my cardio!! I’m pretty addicted to cardio1!!
    BTW – have you seen pictures of Jamie lately – she is super cute pregnant!!!

  4. Gahhhh! I had signed up for that, too, but with most of the program requiring gym equipment, I couldn’t do it. How’s about “Josie All Up In Yo’ House Live”? …meh. Never mind.

  5. You look great, I’m interested to see the transformation. I watched some of the video, I don’t really share her opinion about cardio but I also don’t have any desire to look like a body builder so I will stick with cardio. I am with her on despising running. I think cardio is about finding something you love. There’s no way I’d do 2 a days anymore after my collegiate basketball years but I live for my cardio sessions at least 3 times a week. Ok, enough of that! I guess the perk of this think is suppose to be no cardio, lol! I’m sure you will have no problems completing it. Have fun!

    1. Thanks, yeah I did cardio 3 times during the first full week and boy is it tough. Both programs are really taxing. I sleep like a LOG lol. Cardio is my bff but I just want to try something different for 3 months. We shall see!!

  6. You look great already! Can’t wait to see your “after” photo!
    I just realized that I only have 3 months until Blogalicious too. Well, really 2 now. OMG! I’ve got to get back into shape! I can’t have photos out there in social media that I can’t control! LOL

  7. I too can’t wait to see the after pic when the before pic is so great! I’m glad you’re cheating a bit to continue to teach your classes. It would be such a bummer to have to skip that!

    1. Thanks so much Tamara, I couldn’t stop teaching! I’d miss it too much! Plus, I’d have a bunch of angry ladies LOL

  8. I am definitely guilty of overdoing the cardio. I haven’t heard about this program before, though, so I’m looking forward to seeing your results!

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