
7 Easy and Manageable Ways To Raise Healthy Children

Raising a healthy kid is every parent’s desire, but sometimes it may be hard for you as a parent to keep your kids healthy. We read all of the parenting books and we learn as much as we can but we can always learn more! Here are several measures that you can take as a parent if you want to raise healthy children.

As a parent I am always searching for the right information and resources of how to raise my kids in a  a healthy way. All parents should remember that raising healthier kids is a lifetime process and it starts from day one when the child is born. The following are the seven ways to raise healthier kids.

Breastfeed your babies

All new mothers should make it a point to breastfeed instead of bottle feeding, because of the numerous benefits that are associated to breastfeeding. It is very important for new born babies to be breast fed for at least the first 6 months of their lives.

Breastfeeding provides the baby with enough nutrition unlike if the baby was bottle fed with artificial feeds such as formula milk other than breast milk.

If you can do it, make it happen. If you can’t, that is okay too! I have previously discussed why I chose to formula feed my baby because I strongly believe that fed is best!

Feed your kids with healthy meals

Eating healthy meals is very crucial in the proper development and growth of kids that is why you must make sure that your kids are fed with healthy meals.

Your kids diet should include a good amount of fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and carbohydrates. Feeding your kids with a proper balanced diet means that you are unlikely to be faced with a sickly kid due to a poor diet. I’ve got some really easy recipes to help you sneak veggies into your family meals!

As a parent, you should also discourage your kids from eating unhealthy meals that are high in fats, sugars and processed foods. You can give your kids snacks but in moderation. Your kids should know that the processed foods are not a healthy option and should only be eaten in moderation if at all.

Immunize your kids

All kids should be given immunization that is appropriate to their age without failure. Every kid should receive all the vaccinations that are due. As a parent, you should keep a calendar with all the scheduled vaccinations due. Especially with all of these new viruses popping up every year!

The importance of giving kids their immunization on time is to protecting the kids from the deadly diseases that can possibly hamper the health of your kids later on in life.

Get your kids to exercise

Children should be encourage to exercise regularly, you can engage the kids in activities such as swimming, jogging, cycling, walking and any other form of exercise that is appropriate for their age.

Kids who exercise regularly are bound to be healthy with fewer experiences of poor health. For the young kids, encouraging them to get actively involved in sports activities at school is a good way to keep your kids health.

Oral Hygiene is SO Important!

Oral hygiene can be easily ignored by most parents when it comes to having to raise healthy children, yet it is important to keep your kids teeth clean and free from dental grime. Teeth that are not well cared for can lead to multiple dental problems which will later affect the kids in their adult life.

You should teach your kids about the importance of oral hygiene, by making sure that the kids brush their teeth after every meal and also avoid eating too much candy and sugar based foods such as cakes and other foods which contain high levels of sugar.

Here are 7 easy measures and actions that you can take as a parent if you want to raise healthy children in the best environment.

Safeguard the home against accidents

When you have kids in the house, it is almost inevitable to have accidents due to the high level of activities. It is therefore your responsibility as a parent to make your accident childproof as much as possible. As a mother with two boys and a toddler girl that loves to explore — I have seen my share of accidents!

It is the simple things that matter such as keeping all medicines out of reach and keeping any unused sockets sealed with socket plugs. All electrical must be kept out of reach to avoid your kids from getting seriously hurt! This Free Printable Medical Planner For The Family is great to keep handy!

Provide a love filled environment

A healthy kid is also a kid who feels loved and is not troubled by lack of receiving of parental love in the home. When a kid is troubled emotionally, definitely that kids health is also affected. An emotionally stable kid is one who is experiencing parental love and is bound to be healthy.

As a parent when you have to raise healthy children it is NOT an easy task but hopefully these tips will help!

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