My Mom Is My Superhero



Ever sit down and a memory arises that fills you up and warms you up like your favorite blanket?

I am an only child, my mom has many “children” that gravitate towards my mother as a figure to look up to and well…because she is so awesome.

The older I grow, the more I appreciate everything she has done for me. It’s truly a blessing when you can think of so many moments and begin realize in your adult life, how much those moments actually meant.

The particular memory that came to me today involved my husband, then boyfriend.

My mom knew I had started “seeing” him when I was 15 years old, she did not approve. Not because he was a bad boy or that she didn’t like him, she just didn’t want her only daughter dating, much less seriously dating anyone at 15 years old. (Something that I totally understand now, but back then, I surely did not see the big deal!)

Fast forward to when I was 16 and he was 18. It was 1999, and cell phones became a really hot commodity around Brooklyn. With our minimum paying jobs we could only afford a prepaid and even those were super expensive!

One night I was talking to him on this prepaid phone when he was on his way home from work. All of a sudden I heard a lot of yelling and shuffling and the phone went dead. Knowing where he was waiting for the bus, I knew it wasn’t a very good area. I called back over and over until someone with a strange voice answered, laughing, and telling me to stop calling his phone. That is when I knew he had been mugged.

I was so concerned and worried for him, that I went and knocked on my mother’s door @ 9:30pm, and told her what happened. She immediately put her clothes on and we drove to the spot that I knew he was.

Unfortunately he was nowhere to be found because we later found out that he had waved down a police car and they were driving around looking for the suspects. They never found them, but later on, he came by and explained that they took his superman chain and his phone. He was so sad.

The next day my mom took my cousin and I bowling like we did most Saturday nights. There was a vendor there, and he was selling the EXACT superman chain that my husband had stolen from him. I knew I was going on a limb but I asked my mom for the $15.00 to buy the replacement chain. She didn’t even hesitate.

My mom could have said absolutely not, and I would have been okay with that. She also could have said “that’s too bad” instead of putting on her clothes and driving to see if he was okay. She didn’t want me in a serious relationship but she assisted me anyway–with no hesitation.

On this thankful Tuesday, I am thankful for my amazing mom. Her resume is endless with the wonderful things she has done for me, and I appreciate every single thing.

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  1. Aww, beautiful tribute to your mom and must agree that I too am just so thankful for my own mom as well, because I ant enough begin to tell you all my mom has done for me as well over the years.

  2. That’s what moms do and they will forever be supermoms. Love this post my mom would have done it but she would have been cussing me out the entire time lol

  3. That’s the stuff!
    I love that my mom is always on my side, even through disagreements. She would never hesitate to help.
    I love this story. (and glad he was ok)

  4. Wow! What a terrifying experience that must have been. Obviously your mother is super supportive – even when she doesn’t approve. I can’t blame her for being protective, but I’m so glad it all worked out in the end!

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