Instagram Tips For Runners
Instagram is the perfect place for runners. We do SO much running every week, and let’s be honest we work so hard at it, Instagram is THE perfect place to share each and every run/workout. The running community on Instagram is not only massive, it’s pretty loyal! Although I don’t post about running exclusively, my running posts are by far my most popular.
Today I’m sharing my favorite Instagram Tips For Runners! Here are 5 simple ways to post your best content on Instagram while getting the most bang out of every picture!
Instagram Runner Hashtags:
You will hear every Instagram Guru (Here is mine!) tell you that hashtags are the way to go when it comes to tapping into your core running audience. There are certain hashtags that have WAY too many people posting to it (think: #running, #run, #fitness) and others that have too little. The trick is to find your middle ground and use all 30 hashtags. You can certainly use less, but I try to maximize as much as I can. If you have runner affiliations that helps as well, for example I hashtag my #skirtsports ambassadorship and my #rocknblog ambassadorship when I am training for Rock N Roll races!
Runner Angles Are Important:
So most us aren’t blessed with runner buddies to take amazing shots of us that make us look like strong and sexy runners. I tend to go with a before or after shot (usually after, sweaty selfies make the best ones in my opinion) and angle my phone really high. If I’m outside, I make sure the sun hits me just right with nature in the background. If I’m inside, I tend to do a treadmill shot of my sneakers OR of my shirt. A regular selfie might work in that instance too. The best runner Instagram pictures are those that catch the runner in mid-stride.
Cute Runner Gear Matters:
It’s awesome that you have done the miles, and you have taken the picture, but how do you look?! The pictures that I have gotten the most likes on are the pictures in my cutest running gear. I have one pair of tights that I get complements on ALL THE TIME. Also, whenever I wear anything from Skirt Sports, I get a ton of engagement and likes!
Share Your Run Pictures Even When It Sucks:
So not every run is perfect right? We know this. I know this VERY well. You may even be in a runner slump. Share that. Keep it 100 with your audience. Every single runner can relate, trust me, and it only makes them love you more because you are REAL. I know I am a turtle runner, but when I turn into a snail runner I share that too. It helps too when you finally have that breakthrough run because the support is there waiting for you. Had a bad race or training run? Share it on the official race hashtag. People want to know that they are NOT alone!
Today I am collaborating with Amazing Runner Bloggers with Fabulous Instagram communities that are sharing their tips, tricks and outtakes!
- Allie @ VITA Train 4 Life
- Laura @ This Runner’s Recipes
- Carly @ Fine Fit Day
What are some other fun running posts to check out?
- 7 Easy Ways To JumpStart Your New Running Goals
- The Best Upper Body Workouts For Runners
- Two A Day Workouts For Runners
- Maximalist vs. Minimalist: Which Running Shoe Are You?
What are your Instagram tips for runners? Have you found a community on Instagram?
Hi! I’m Nellie. I am an entrepreneur, a busy mama of 3 and a wife to my high school sweetheart. I have been sharing content for over 12 years about how to cook easy recipes, workout tips and free printables that make life a little bit easier. I have been featured in places like Yahoo, Buzzfeed, What To Expect, Mediavine, Niche Pursuits, HuffPost, BabyCenter, Mom 2.0, Mommy Nearest, Parade,, and more!
Get comfortable and be sure to come hang out with me on social. Don’t forget to grab your free fitness journal before you go!
Although I am not really a runner as you know, I still love reading your tips and tricks. Seriously if I ever take up running, you would be the first I would go to for advice 🙂
Thanks for sharing your tips! Cute workout gear definitely matters I agree. I always wondered if I should really use all 30 hashtags or not.
I’m not a runner, but even when I dip my toe into fitness, I find great engagement on Instagram. I like the thought of just being real. Showing the pictures that might suck or the races that might suck.
This is a great post and very unique. I have not found a community on instagram yet. I need to maybe start my own.
YES! I think we need to share running photos especially when it sucks!! I usually get the most “likes” and comments when I do because EVERY runner can relate to a bad day. Speaking of, just getting over the stomach flu here and dying to take a runfie!!! wahhhhhhh
I need to use more hashtags in my photos! Great tips – I definitely agree that sharing the sucks as much as the good is important on social media.
Cute post! I’m not a runner but enjoy sharing pics of me hiking, doing yoga, and at pilates & cycling classes, etc.
Love the article!
If you are totally “out of shape” and haven’t left the sofa for decades, it might be a good idea to spend at least two weeks walking or doing some other form of exercise (an exercise bike or elliptical trainer is perfect).
You should make a schedule to get your blood pumping for around 30 minutes per day, four or five days per week.