Four Effective 30 Minute Workouts For Runners

Sometimes we are super short on time, so here are some effective 30 minute workouts for runners you can do today!

When I worked my last corporate job (almost 18 months ago…omg!) I had the hardest time fitting in workouts. I had gone from a job of nine years where I could go in early and workout at lunch for as long as I needed–to a very very strict work environment that guarded my time and got on my case if I even came in a minute late. I realized pretty quickly that I had to learn how to adjust to this hour time frame and that meant getting the absolute most out of my hour lunch. 10 minutes travel each way/10 minute shower and change and 30 precious minutes to workout.

As a busy mom it can be hard to even get those precious 30 minutes in. Today I’m sharing my favorite 30 minute workout that will not only challenge you but it will give you the endorphins you need.

My general formula for short workouts is 33% cardio 33% strength training and 33% body weight exercises. This can be done in any order but I generally like to start off with the cardio to get a good sweat started. For example a full workout could include:

  • 10 minutes: 1/1 speed intervals on the treadmill
  • 10 minutes: Jump Rope
  • 10 minutes: squats with weights/lunges with weights

In order to get the most out of this workout, it’s important to pay close attention to time. This is not the time to check email, or reply to texts. 30 minutes goes really fast when you are working hard! Here are some options for you to mix and match your 30 minutes.


  • One mile on the treadmill
  • 10 minutes on the elliptical (high resistance)
  • 10 minutes on the stair climber
  • 10 minutes brisk walking
  • 10 minutes on the rowing machine

Body weight:

  • Pushups
  • Squats
  • Caterpillar
  • Box Jumps

Strength Training:

  • Shoulder Press
  • Walking Lunges with Weights
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Deadlifts

A 30-minute workout can be a valuable tool for runners who are pressed for time or looking for supplemental sessions to improve their overall fitness and running economy. Even if you have only half an hour, you can still engage in effective workouts to enhance your strength, speed, and endurance. Here are some 30-minute workouts tailored for runners:

  1. Interval Training:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes easy jogging.
    • Main Set: Run hard for 1 minute, then recover with 1 minute of easy jogging or walking. Repeat this cycle 10 times.
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes easy jogging and stretching.
  2. Hill Repeats:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging on flat terrain.
    • Main Set: Find a steep hill. Sprint up for 30 seconds, then walk or jog down for recovery. Repeat 8-10 times.
    • Cool Down: 5-7 minutes of easy jogging and stretching.
  3. Tempo Run:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging.
    • Main Set: Run at a “comfortably hard” pace (about 80-90% of your maximum effort) for 20 minutes.
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes of easy jogging and stretching.
  4. Strength and Plyometrics:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging.
    • Main Set:
      • 3 x 12 squats
      • 3 x 12 lunges (each leg)
      • 3 x 20 seconds of jump squats
      • 3 x 12 single-leg deadlifts (each leg)
      • 3 x 20 seconds of bounding or skipping for height
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes of stretching focusing on the major muscle groups.
  5. Circuit Training (combining running and bodyweight exercises):
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging.
    • Main Set:
      • Run at a moderate pace for 2 minutes.
      • 30 seconds of push-ups.
      • Run at a moderate pace for 2 minutes.
      • 30 seconds of burpees.
      • Run at a moderate pace for 2 minutes.
      • 30 seconds of mountain climbers.
      • Run at a moderate pace for 2 minutes.
      • 30 seconds of plank.
      • Repeat the cycle.
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes of easy jogging and stretching.
  6. Fartlek Run:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging.
    • Main Set: Play with speed. Pick objects in the distance (like a tree or a lamp post) and run at a faster pace until you reach them, then slow down. Keep changing your pace throughout the workout.
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes of easy jogging and stretching.
  7. Dynamic Stretching and Mobility:
    • Warm-Up: 5 minutes of easy jogging.
    • Main Set: 20 minutes of dynamic stretches like leg swings, arm circles, lunges with a twist, high knees, butt kicks, and ankle circles.
    • Cool Down: 5 minutes of static stretching.

Remember, the quality of a workout is more important than its duration. A focused 30-minute session can sometimes be more beneficial than a longer, less-intense workout. As always, listen to your body, and ensure that you’re properly warmed up before engaging in high-intensity activities.

What are some other great runner posts to check out?

What would you if you only had 30 minutes to exercise?

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  1. I don’t even want to train for more than 30 minutes if weights are involved 🙂 LOL!! As usual, there are so many great ones here and I will definitely be using them to get me though the holiday crush!!

  2. I like your formula for a 30 minute workout. I think the 10 minutes of jump rope sound like the biggest challenge – that would definitely have me sweating!

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