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6 Simple Tips to Help You Tackle Big Scary Goals

If you are having trouble executing your big goals here are 6 Simple Tips You Need To Tackle Big Scary Goals!

6 Simple Tips You Need To Tackle Big Scary Goals

In order to move to the next level we need to set Big Scary Goals

In July of 2014 I decided I wanted to run a 10k. I was a sporadic runner, running fun 5k runs and doing all I could to avoid running seriously. A 10k goal at the time seemed impossible but I was up for the challenge.

Right before I took the plunge I consulted with one of my running mentors if I could do the big one–run a half marathon. She said Yes! I had seven months to train and I did it. Not even 3 months after that (starting to notice a pattern here?) I watched the NYC Marathon and decided right in that moment I would become a part of the one percent and run a full marathon. Crazy right? But I did it.

Setting big goals are terrifying. They honestly make me want to crawl under my comforter and take a nap. But we can’t deny the deep transformational change that happens when you set a big goal and successfully complete it!

Here are my six important steps for reaching a big goal

Be Patient

Because big goals come with time. It’s so tempting to compare to the next person or doubt your ability because you are still not where you want to be. As long as you are moving forward or taking steps to move forward you are getting closer to your goal.

Have A Plan

It’s so easy to say things right? “I want a million dollars” “I want a better quality of life” so many thing we say we want but never quite start the work. Have a plan–whether you hire a coach, download a free business model or simply list your steps to success in your journal, having a plan and executing it is key.

Expect The Unexpected

So now we are being patient and we have the perfect plan and everything goes haywire. All of a sudden you are derailed, unmotivated and ready to give up. The trick is to keep going. So many people (myself included) have given up on BIG dreams because of SMALL setbacks. The trick is to keep going–consistency always wins!

Find A Mentor (or three)

I have a lot of mentors (that may not even know they are my mentors!) I have so many people that I want to emulate whether it comes to running, blogging, parenting or just being a overall better person.  Find people in your life that you want to be like and seek their advice, 99% of the time, they will give it willingly.

Don’t Get Overwhelmed

The minute you decide to do something amazing and HUGE is the exact minute that everything you can imagine will start happening. Things WILL get crazy. It will seem like too much, but it won’t be. Ask for help, gather the troops, adjust the plan and keep going the same way you started.

Document Your Progress

Whenever I am losing weight I love to use MyFitnessPal–every time you lose a pound they celebrate not only that pound but ALL the pounds you have lost so far. When you start moving towards a goal, write down your successes whether they are big or small. Registered a new EIN number for your business? That’s a win. Made your first sale? Huge WIN! Writing down your progress can not only help you make better decisions in the future but it can be your motivation for when things get tough.

Before you go check out these posts!

What big scary goals have you tackled? What advice would you give?

If you enjoyed this post be sure to check out my Instagram Page for the latest posts! 


Monday 23rd of November 2015

I find that writing down my goal helps me a lot. For me, it makes it official that I am starting to work on this goal of mine. I find that when I don't write down my goal, I'd tell myself "it's okay, I'll start working on it tomorrow".


Wednesday 18th of November 2015

So many great tips! I definitely agree that documenting progress is one of the best things to keep motivated. That and posting about it on my blog really helped me get in much better shape. Then I went and got pregnant. Time to start it all up again. P.S. - Thanks for being a great mentor yourself. You're awesome!


Tuesday 17th of November 2015

Yup, I agree with all of that. Like you, I have been building my dreams and it's funny to think about the original goals and how they've escalated to bigger ones. For me, it was starting a photography business, and getting clients, and then doing weddings. Gulp! My biggest tip for me was to listen to my gut. My heart. Sometimes they were telling me, "The reason you're not moving fast is because you're fearful for a reason. Or because you're not ready. It's not because you're lazy or unqualified." My inner voice can be RUDE.


Monday 16th of November 2015

I need a mentor badly. I would love someone who has a great online magazine if you know of any tell them to holla at me


Monday 16th of November 2015

Yes! I have s tendency to set these HUGE goals! And then no plan to follow through! I'm working on changing that now!