
Expert Runners Share The Best And WORST Race Advice

Expert Runners Share The Best And WORST Race Advice, learn from people who have been running for a long time!

Expert Running Bloggers Share The Best And WORST Race Advice EVER.

Now that I have run a TON of races I finally feel like I have the right formula for racing. I fully understand the deep commitment of marathon training, and that my pace will be significantly different for a 5k or a 10k. There are so many little nuances when it comes to racing and it differs for every runner.

However, when it comes to race advice I have heard it all whether it was wanted or not.  Today I’m sharing some of the WORST advice I’ve heard as a runner, and the reality of why I don’t recommend any of it. For some of the BEST racing advice check out 7 Simple Tips To Prepare For A Half Marathon.

  1. Load up on those carbs the night before a race!“: I remember for years watching marathon coverage of the NYC Marathon where runner would pour over trays and trays of pasta. Carb loading was a MUST and obviously pasta was the only way to go right?! Wrong. I don’t know any runners that carb load before a race, we all eat regular balanced dinners.
  2. Start off fast! Use The adrenaline!“: uh no. It is crazy important not to start off too fast during a race, you just end up depleting yourself and dragging across the finish line. Who doesn’t want to finish strong?!
  3. Drink all the water“: I mean it’s free, it’s there–so why not drink it?! Because it can quickly become the type of situation where you are using the potty more than normal. Or even worse you could experience what happened to me during my first marathon where I drank wayyyy too much liquid and suffered for it. Make a plan to test out how much hydration you really need and stick to it! I was much better off for skipping water stations during my second marathon. Also be smart about it, if in a particularly hot race make sure you hydrate enough!
  4. Run in whatever you want as long as you are comfortable“: I agree with this a little but if you are going to be running regularly it is advisable that you get actual running gear. Having moisture wicking material on is crazy helpful to prevent chafing (or worse).
  5. You ran a half–you can totally run a full marathon–tomorrow!“: I had run 8 half marathons before I decided to run my first full. It wasn’t until those first training runs of over 14 miles did I realize that the difference between both races is HUGE. Always respect the distance and the training it takes to get you there!

This month I am also teaming up with my favorite running bloggers to share some of the BEST and WORST running advice out there so I’d check them all out as you will learn something new from these very established and amazing runners.

What are some other super useful posts for runners?

What is some of the best/WORST running advice you have heard recently?!

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  1. ? yep! That last one reminds me of “a full marathon is just like two half marathons!” NOPE!!!! Love this link up and thanks again for the heads up on my image!!

  2. OK, so never ran a marathon or even ran more than a mile at a time in the past, but if I ever do you know that you would be the first person I’d come to for advice 🙂

  3. I remember Allie once saying she drank too much water and it really affected her. And you too!
    As for carb loading, it always puts me to sleep instead. Zzzzz

  4. Number 1 is my favorite! A huge pasta meal the night before a race just sounds like a disaster…and if you are worrying about fueling your body for a marathon only at that point, it’s too late!

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