
How to Deal with Unsolicited Advice During Pregnancy

How to Deal with Unsolicited Advice During Pregnancy

If you hang out with me on Facebook or even my IG Stories you may remember my very vocal complaints about dealing with opinions while pregnant. There is something about a woman with child that people can’t help but comment on! Even though this was my third child, the comments were a LOT and it was tough to deal with. Today I am sharing with you four easy ways to deal with unsolicited advice during pregnancy because Lord know it’s so hard dealing with opinions while pregnant.

with pregnancy comes a wave of unsolicited advice from literally everyone- parents,

Pregnancy is one of the most challenging phases of a woman’s life, and that’s putting it lightly. Everything from your body to your feelings to those around you seem to be changing, and while it can be tough to handle, the prospect of holding your little one in your arms can feel like everything’s going to be worth it.

However, with pregnancy comes a wave of unsolicited advice from literally everyone- parents, friends, neighbors and even random strangers you meet at the supermarket, and most of them seem to contradict each other and pure logic for that matter. So here’s how you can deal with all of that and more.

Put it All on the Doctor

This one’s the simplest way to put an end to all that extra information that’s been coming your way, especially among those who tend to push you to do things their way. The next time someone offers some very strange advice about something crucial related to your pregnancy or baby, just put it off by saying that your doctor suggests otherwise. This little comment should be more than enough, and is also a reminder for the advice giver that you have an expert at your disposal to guide you about what you need to know.

Ignore Advice from Strangers

This one’s the easy part- every time you have a random stranger offer you advice, just smile, nod and be as diplomatic as possible before you make your exit. Reply with simple words like ‘interesting,’ thank them and then just take off. Since there’s no actual pressure of handling your pregnancy in a particular way coming your way from a random stranger, dealing with them is the easy bit.

Stay Silent

Silence is golden, and it is this time that you should put this into implementation. When some stranger or friend is offering advice about your pregnancy, just listen and stay silent. Don’t react. Don’t ask questions. Don’t counteract them. Just stay silent. Eventually, the people who are offering you those unsolicited pieces of advice will take a hint, and stop.

Learn to Block ‘Em

From not asking before touching your belly to blurting out some of the most obnoxious ideas in public, some individuals don’t seem to understand the line between private and public, and if you know someone around you and are confused about how to deal with them, this one could really help. Try to address them in a loving way and explain how you don’t like them being that way, and how you’d rather do things your own way.

Remember that pleasing everyone is practically impossible, and during the course of your pregnancy, everyone might want to jump in and offer suggestions and may try to convince you to do certain things, but in the end, it is totally up to you. Do what you truly want to. Your pregnancy is about you and your baby, and that’s exactly what it should be.

with pregnancy comes a wave of unsolicited advice from literally everyone- parents, friends, neighbors and even random strangers you meet at the supermarket, and most of them seem to contradict each other and pure logic for that matter. So here’s how you can deal with all of that and more.

For more pregnancy articles check out:

5 Real and Unexpected Moments From My 3rd Pregnancy

9 Thoughts As I Come To The End Of My Third Pregnancy

18 Pregnancy Workouts For Every Trimester

Have you ever heard annoying pregnancy advice?

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  1. I didn’t get any advice during pregnancy just afterwards the usual don’t take the baby out in the cold or out until after a few weeks which I had to ignore because folks don’t understand when you got things to do and you have no family you gotta do what you gotta do. Love this nice way to tell folks mind their business

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