10 Steps to Take to Get Back to Healthy Living

I have had my fair share of ups and downs when it comes to my weight.

To keep it 100% real, I am currently in an upswing.  It’s annoying, it makes me crazy, I get exhausted just thinking about it but I need to do some real work to get things back under control again.

I don’t discuss the general ups and downs of my life on the blog because despite me having a blog for the past 5 years, I can share that the past 4-6 weeks have been insanely stressful. Did I turn to food–yes. I didn’t eat the really bad stuff that I used to eat in the past (Hello Fast Food) but I have been eating without thinking. Eating at really late times of the evening when I walk in the door, getting seconds at yummy company lunches, and even mindlessly eating because I was bored.

Despite my overwhelming knowledge of nutrition and food habits, I found myself eating away the stress in large amounts. As much as I wish I could discuss, just know, the situations are of various sizes in nature but add up to one big mess.

What to do now?

So I started feeling uncomfortable in my skin, little things started happening: I went to put my hand on my hips and felt a lot more skin than waistline…or when I put on my favorite jeans–they were all of a sudden not my favorite anymore. I got on the scale (despite myself) and realized that I had gained 4 pounds. It may not seem like much, but on my 5’3 frame, 4lbs is almost a full dress size for me. I knew right away I needed to make some serious changes before this all spiraled way out of control.

I know what I need to to right the ship, I’m a veteran at this–so here are 10 Things You can do to Get Back to Healthy Living:


Navigating the Journey Back to Healthy Living: A Comprehensive Guide

Embarking on the path to healthy living often seems daunting, especially when it comes to altering your eating habits. But the good news is that change is entirely possible, and it all starts with taking small, intentional steps. Let’s dive into how you can realistically transform your relationship with food and, by extension, your overall well-being.

Evaluate What You’re Eating

The first step in this journey is a mindful evaluation of your current eating habits. What does your typical meal look like? Are you eating more processed foods than fruits and vegetables? Being aware of what you’re consuming is key to understanding what needs to change. Spend a week jotting down everything you eat without judgment—this sets the stage for meaningful transformation.

Make a Decision

The evaluation phase will likely shed light on areas that need improvement. Now’s the time to make a decision about what you’re willing to change. Whether it’s reducing sugar, cutting out processed foods, or incorporating more greens into your meals, decide what your initial focus will be. The key here is to not overwhelm yourself; one change at a time is perfectly okay.

Stick to the Decision

Easier said than done, right? However, sticking to your decision is crucial. Write down your goals and put them somewhere visible. Whenever you’re tempted to deviate, remind yourself why you made this choice in the first place. Accountability is key, whether it comes from within or from a supportive community around you.

Start Tracking Your Food

This doesn’t have to be meticulous calorie counting (unless that works for you). It could be as simple as making a note in your phone about what you’ve eaten that day. Tracking helps you become aware of your eating patterns and provides a reality check whenever you’re about to stray from your goal.

Stop Beating Yourself Up Because…Ish Happens

So you had a cheat day (or two)—it’s okay! The road to healthy living is not a straight path. It’s filled with ups and downs, and that’s perfectly normal. What’s important is not letting temporary setbacks spiral into giving up entirely. Acknowledge it, learn from it, and move on.

Be Intentional With Every Single Thing You Eat

Before you eat anything, pause for a moment. Ask yourself why you’re eating it and how it aligns with your health goals. This tiny moment of introspection can dramatically change your eating habits over time, steering you towards better choices.

Speak With a Professional

Sometimes, an outside perspective can offer valuable insights into your journey. Dietitians and nutritionists are trained to tailor advice to individual needs, making your health journey more focused and effective. Even one consultation can equip you with tools for long-lasting change.

Celebrate the Smallest of Victories

Every piece of broccoli eaten instead of a french fry, every soda replaced by water, is a victory. Celebrate those moments because they add up. Small wins create a ripple effect that can lead to significant transformations over time.

Understand the Battle That Is Ahead

While it’s crucial to celebrate the victories, it’s also important to acknowledge that this is a long-term commitment. There will be temptations, social pressures, and moments of weakness. Preparing yourself mentally for these challenges will help you navigate them more successfully when they do come along.


Belief in your ability to make lasting changes is the backbone of this entire process. You are far more resilient and capable than you might initially think. This isn’t just about believing that you can stick to a diet; it’s about believing that you deserve a life of health and well-being.

In summary, taking steps towards healthy living, particularly in regard to your eating habits, is a nuanced process that demands patience, intentionality, and a generous amount of self-compassion. By following these steps, you’re not just changing your diet; you’re fundamentally changing your relationship with food and, by extension, with yourself.

It’s annoying because the last thing I need on my plate right now is weight gain. But it’s here and I need to deal with  it..again. I suppose my main struggle is #10 mostly, believing that I can actually do this, since it’s been so long since it’s worked for me.

What say you? How do you get back on the horse when there is so many distractions?

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  1. Ugh – I hear you Nellie!!! I’m currently up 3 pounds and I would never say that to anyone because they think 3 pounds is “nothing” BUT on our short frames – it’s a lot!!! I’m sorry you’re battling this right now but I KNOW you will get back on track. Just take it one day at a time and especially #5! xoxo

    For me it is all about stopping and loving myself where I AM right now.
    and only after that even thinking about getting back to it.

  3. I have found myself doing this with food recently as well. I think the winter time in general is an issue for me with wearing layers and baggy clothes, but still I appreciate the advice and tips as I do need all the help I can get with this heading into spring and warmer weather now.

  4. I’ve found that celebrating small victories is the key to many aspects of life. As I find myself slowing down because of pregnancy, I’ve definitely had to remind myself to celebrate those small victories more often to avoid getting frustrated. It also helps with my journey to be debt free.

  5. I appreciate your candor a lot. These times happen and I’m glad that you have shared your wisdom and know how to get back on your own chosen track.

  6. My food intake is good it’s the moving part that I can’t get down. But I am doing better making sure I park away from the store and walking, making sure I do something physical everyday even if it’s for 20-30 min. It’s been helping a lot!

  7. Oh, how I feel your pain, Nellie. Breastfeeding had me wanting to eat all the unhealthy stuff all the time. I tried tracking calories, but I just hate that so much. That’s why I made the decision to give up all snack food/sweets for Lent. I needed something drastic. I couldn’t do it for myself, but I knew I could do it for faith. No lies, it’s really difficult. But it’s made a big difference already.

  8. Nellie, number 6 — Be intentional with every single thing you eat — is brilliant! Even if you and your first commenter were tall, 3 or 4 pounds is something to take seriously because that could easily become 6 or 8 pounds and so on. I really think number 6 is going to be very helpful.

  9. This post is so timely – I’ve gained 10lbs over the past few months. AND being 5’3″, it shows. It’s nice to have a little extra boobs and butt…. but the GUT is soon to follow so I’m trying to make it happen through diet. My new commute is literally killing me softly.

    1. oh girl I’m so sorry. long commutes are the absolute worst. When you are this short the pounds have no where to go so it’s immediately visible. and completely annoying.

  10. I hear you; I am 5’4.5″ so I know the struggle is real. Especially when you are past the age of 40. Just know that you can reverse the cycle with your steps; I journal everything (food and workouts) to see where I slip up and where I need to make changes. I’ve learned to say no to some of the office parties; they sometimes do more harm than good. You got this!!!?

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