A Wedding Weekend In Poughkeepsie New York

How was your 4th of July weekend?

We had an insanely busy weekend around these parts, my little (she’s only one year younger than me, yet I call her my little–it’s more like sister) cousin got married this weekend! We don’t have plenty weddings in our family so when we do–it is HUGE. This one was no exception.


I mentioned last week that we would be spending the weekend in beautiful Poughkeepsie which is quite a bit upstate New York and about a 2 hour drive from our home in Brooklyn.

There was a bit of a traffic jam on the way up but we made it to the hotel with maybe 30 minutes to spare. I am SO happy I decided to go with RentTheRunway.com for my dress again because it made looking for my dress extremely easy and fun!

The Wedding

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The ceremony was beautiful, I’m not a wedding crier, but I was on this day. She was just so beautiful and I was just SO overcome with HAPPY for her, the waterworks were ON. But that is not the only place the waterworks were on because outside there was a MONSOON! The weather was SO crazy that 10 minutes before the ceremony began everyone’s phone went off simultaneously with a tornado warning!

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The ceremony was short and sweet and before you knew it, it was time to party. If you guys think that I know how to dance, my family is just as amazing as I am. The venue was stunning, the food was good and the sweat was so real :).

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Celebratory BBQ

We stayed the weekend as there was a celebratory bbq the next day. I spent most of my day on Saturday learning about our family history from our elders, laughing with my cousins and trying my first game of beer pong ever in my life. Since I am not a drinker, my cousins were gracious enough to allow me to play with ginger ale. We lost, BUT I did land a couple of balls in the red cups. 🙂 #squarelife

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Holiday Inn Express


We spent both nights in the local Holiday Inn Express. I was really shocked by how beautiful the rooms were! There was a microwave, a fridge twice the size of a normal mini hotel fridge and it was super spacious with a pull out bed in the sofa! The TV was HUGE (at least 45″) and there was a great selection of cable channels to keep the kids busy while we all got ready. The only thing that I didn’t like about the rooms was the fact that there was no vent, so things got really humid and wet really quickly! Other than that they were super helpful (with a complimentary toothbrush and toothpaste because I forgot mine) AND a complimentary breakfast for both days! The food was ok and it certainly did the job.

Departure Day

After breakfast we headed over to the family house to say our goodbyes and wish everyone well. While we were there we were treated to #secondbreakfast this time of the Jamaican variety. #SOyummy


Speaking of Jamaican food…every occasion we are treated to amazing food of our culture from my mother’s generation. We began to become painfully aware that our parents and aunts are getting older and we are so spoiled by them! We never learned how to cook proper Jamaican dishes and so we called an emergency (cousin) meeting to make sure we were covered for future celebrations and parties. Then we found THIS.


A cook book with hardcore authentic Jamaican recipes! I can’t wait to try them out…and maybe share them here? Hmmmm.

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We made it back here Sunday night, and happily watched my girl Allyson Felix (read my interview with her here!) qualify for the US team 400M race in Track and Field and on Monday morning I got in a beautiful 6 miles treadmill run at my brand spanking new Blink Fitness that opened 4 blocks away from my house! (SWEET!)

How was your holiday weekend?

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  1. You looked incredible in that dress Nellie! I absolutely loved seeing your gorgeous, smiling face in it! That wedding looks amazing and it’s always great to hang with your family and get back to your roots!!

  2. Sounded like an amazing holiday weekend and we honestly were so busy spending the majority of it hanging with family and friends with cookouts and such. Can’t believe 4th of July weekend is over to be honest and am exhausted pretty much needing another weekend to recuperate here! 😉

  3. Girl there is no maybe. You must share a few of those recipes. Please!!! Everyone looked amazing, and I can’t believe after a busy weekend you made it to the gym. Your dedicated inspires me.

  4. I absolutely loved your dress from rentherunway.com. I’ve always wanted to try them out, but I worry so much about it fitting since I’m so petite. I’m not even 5’0 tall so I’m convinced anything I would get from there would be dragging.

    And yes, chile I feel you on the Jamaican cooking. I realized my family is getting older too so I’ve been on a real Trinidadian cooking kick lately.

  5. Congrats to there! I wonder if they have dresses that will fit me lol I have to find something to dress up for so for now I will stay in my sweats which is what I did all weekend long.

  6. Both your dress and the bride’s dress are gorgeous! Sounds like a fantastic weekend. My long weekend was great! Day trips, plenty of time spent outdoors and in the sun, good food.

  7. Oof – a humid hotel room. I wouldn’t like that!
    Your cousin looks gorgeous. You look gorgeous! Your hair! It’s gorgeous.

  8. Oooohhhh! Where can we find that cookbook? That wedding sounds like a blast. And I still say that your dress was killer. Can’t wait to hear about some of those Jamaican recipes!

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