Summertime comes and goes so quickly! Be intentional with your summer and download this free summer bucket list printable for moms and kids!

Free Printable Summer Bucket List For Kids and For Moms!

Summertime comes and goes so quickly! Be intentional with your summer and download this free summer bucket list printable for moms and kids!

Can you believe summer is upon us already? After spending so many months hibernating with a newborn–I am more than happy to have warm weather around here! Summer can be amazing, but it can disappear so fast! I’ve decided to be super intentional with my summer bucket list, especially since it’s the first one with my baby girl.

My Own Super Casual Summer Bucket List

Get out once a week: I have been home a lot since having my little princess and to be honest there are SO many days that go by without me leaving the house. I want to be more intentional about taking the baby out in the warmer water because when it gets cold out, we will be inside a ton. I’d love to attend at least a baby and me yoga class, or even a mommy and me class in my neighborhood.

Go to more festivals: Brooklyn is the BEST place for festivals. Every single weekend there are festivals all over the borough and even more in Manhattan. This will call for me to do my research and find some for each weekend but the goal is to get to as many as I can. Shopping from the small business street vendors, enjoying the food and the people watching is all so much fun and a very unique Brooklyn experience.

Host more informal events in my backyard: I am very fortunate to have a back yard attached to the home I own in Brooklyn. Every year I *say* I am going to invite friends over and entertain, but that never happens. I want to not only host people but really take time to build relationships and connect with old friends in my back yard.

RelatedEasy Summer Self Care Printable: Bingo Checklist

Eat more meals outside: Speaking of back yard–When it gets really cold during the dog days of winter there is nothing more that I want than to dine outdoors. There are tons of NYC restaurants with outdoor dining–it’ such a fun way to people watch while taking advantage of the amazing weather.

Visit More Local Parks: Each park in NYC has it’s own unique flavor. I’m pretty sure there are STILL certain parts of Central Park that I haven’t seen, even though I’ve run races there dozens of times! There are a multitude of parks and I am SO determined to visit more than a few this summer season!

Today I’ve got some fun free summer bucket list printables both for you and for the kids! In your download you will get a blank summer bucket list and a separate filled in summer bucket list with some great examples for you to check out!

To download the kids summer bucket list click here

To download the moms summer bucket list click here

What do you have planned for the summer?

Here are some more amazing self care printables to try:

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One Comment

  1. Almost summer finally!! One more week or so in NY, but who is counting 😉 Awesome summer bucket list printable and going to print it out now for my family. So, thanks, Nellie 🙂

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