Glass Slipper Challenge 2016: The Princess Half Marathon

The third and final post in the Princess Race Weekend 2016 will wrap up with the race that started it all–The Princess Half Marathon.

Disney Princess Half Marathon

After a good outing at the Enchanted 10k, I felt okay about running 13.1 miles 24 hours later. I cam better prepared this time–wrapped in a mylar blanket that kept me super warm until the start. The wait wasn’t nearly as long as the day before but it seemed as if the lines for characters were insanely long. The lines wrapped and wrapped and even shut down way before we were due in the corrals. This year, I chose Snow White…:)IMG_6977

Waiting in the corrals this year was way more fun, I was able to chat with many other princesses which distracted me from what was about to happen and kept me loose because we were joking around the entire time. Before you knew it, it was time to go! I said a little prayer and moved forward.IMG_6992

The first 3-4 miles were pretty boring as usual, there wasn’t many character stops and the ones we did have–the lines–again were pretty insane. I just kept pushing and moving and my legs felt pretty good even as we got into Magic Kingdom.


Even though this was my second time experiencing running up to the castle, it still was a pretty surreal experience. There was a large crowd on Main Street screaming and pushing us forward. We made our way through TomorrowLand then through Fantasyland. There was the expected bottleneck of going through the castle and again the lines were way too long for me to stop for a picture in front of the castle.


As we exited Magic Kingdom and got on the back roads, this is where things began to get a bit tough for me. I was coughing a lot and the temp had risen quite quickly. There were some super fun character stops on the way however, with manageable lines.



As I was in the middle of mile 10 I saw a father running and pushing his disabled child through the race. We all clapped and cheered for him, and before I knew it my eyes had welled up and I was in a full cry. Crying while running by the way–not cute. But with the stories of The Children’s Miracle Network Breakfast still fresh on my mind, and the overwhelming gratitude I had to the universe for two healthy boys at home–it was a recipe for lots and lots of tears.


Finally we made it over the overpasses and into the back lots of Epcot, the crowds are always mixed here–some spectators for the race and other people that do not understand why there are grown women running in tutus and just want us to get out so that they can explore the park.  We made our way around the sphere, through the back way and just like that there was half a mile left.IMG_7034

I was just SO happy to see the choir (most of which I gave high fives to) and just like that I had completed my first challenge. A 10k and a Half Marathon back to back. Whew! Would I do this again? Probably. Just not sure if it would be in Disney setting because getting up at 3am is brutal!

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Three things I learned from the Glass Slipper Challenge

Always bring throwaways: Even though the temperature was in the low fifties, the low fifties at night is a different beast

Respect the miles: 19.3 Miles is no easy task. Sounds amazing on paper but your legs (and lungs!) need to be ready for such a task

Running is Disneyworld is just plain fun: It just is. The NYC racing scene can be super intense at times, with everyone fighting for a PR and bragging on their times–Disney is just fun, people are chill, people are just coming out to have a good time which is pretty much my approach to every race. 🙂


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Would you ever run a Run Disney race? How do you contain your emotions during a race?

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  1. Just amazing!!! I would love to run though the parks someday but…the crowds and lines and heat make it seem like a lot less fun then just walking though them with the boys – LOL!!! But you make a gorgeous Snow White and I love what you accomplished in just 2 days. Well done my friend!

  2. It looks incredibly fun. I got the chills watching you run through the gates and castle. If I were to run, it would be there! I do anyway during our 14 hour stroller pushes through the crowds when we go.

  3. I can’t imagine getting up at 3am for a race. Love your Snow White costume…it’s so cute! And that moment when you passed the father pushing his son in the wheelchair…just so inspiring.

  4. I’m so overly emotional. Just the thought of the parent pushing the kid in a wheelchair made me tear up. I love how encouraging everyone is. Glad you had a good time.

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